
Hi, it’s great you found me. Here I’ll be updating you on everything that happens during our journey to upgrade our house to a home fit for the 21st century. Head on over to Blog to find all posts, or check out the most recent blog posts below.

And if you have any questions, comments or would like to let me know something, don’t hesitate to contact me!

  • Getting help planning the renovation
    When we bought this house, we knew that it needed a huge overhaul to help get it into the 21st century. We also knew we would need help doing this. Which meant finding architectural or structural engineering help.
  • Fynn’s story
    Trigger warning: miscarriage, infant loss Update Hi guys! It’s been a while, I know. Lots going on here at the grove, although mostly personal, not so much the house. I found out I was pregnant at the beginning of September, which was awesome of course! The first ultrasound was great, we saw a heartbeat, but READ MORE
  • Building a greenhouse using repurposed materials
    We wanted to build a greenhouse in order to grow our own veg. So Pat bought one that was reasonably priced. Little did we know…
  • The journey so far
    The journey so far, to get our house into the 21st century and go as energy-neutral as possible.